PPA Sneak Peek and a Announcement

Hey there!  I hope everyone is doing well, especially after the past week that the East Coast had.  We weathered both the earthquake and hurricane very well, and were extremely lucky to not have any damage.  I know that is not the case for a lot of people, so I send out well wishes to everyone in need of them.

On to today's sneak peek.  I have actually finished my PPA challenge card early and will let you all get a bit of a peek.  It is a challenging challenge, but I know you can do it!

Hmm, what do you think it is?  Stay tuned tomorrow for the reveal, AND the new Holiday Mini, AND an announcement from ME!  Busy Day!  Do not forget that I still have my purchase special that is available until 10 p.m. EST (through email) and 11:59 pm online.  If you have any questions, please let me know.  Now I am going to ask you two questions!  What do you think the PPA Challenge is, and What do you think MY announcement is?  Let me know, I would love to hear from you!

And since you all love the puppy pictures, here is Sasha and Schyler again, Sasha is doing her princess and the pea impression, she just can't sit on the settee, she has to sit ON the pillow that is ON the settee.  I love my girls, they provide many hours of laughter and love.


Patti Willey said…
Hmm, I think that's Halloween, which challenge I don't know! Not enough showing there.. and your announcement, You're expecting? Naw.I give up!
Rosa said…
Halloween mini album? As of the challlenge, I have no idea since I myself have never ever done a challenge before. Your announcement is.........oh what the heck, I have no idea lol
Cindy Hall said…
Hmmmm. I wonder???? Can't wait to find out! :)

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